Why use a professional wedding photographer
Wedding at Daffodil Hotel in Grasmere
Here’s a lovely wedding photograph from a wedding we covered recently in the lake district. It was at the Daffodil Hotel & Spa on the side of Grasmere. How marvellous to capture such a lovely moment in time.
Digital dark age is upon us
Have you noticed that everyone is busy taking pictures of everyone & everything these days ? Taking digital photographs has become so cheap & inexpensive that to many people it’s lost it’s significance and importance. The digital revolution is a double edged sword with millions of pictures being taken every day and only a fraction being printed out and put in a family album for posterity. What a potentially tragic scenario further down the line.
Treasured family photograph
Not keeping a family album could prove to be a big mistake. Families are changing all the time, as you get older the years go faster, your kids are growing up faster than you may realise. Many people don’t realise the importance of family photographs until it is too late. Too often we find ourselves looking for old photos of friends and relatives who are no longer with us. Is there anything better than digging out old photos and having a good ‘old’ reminisce. That ‘spur of the moment’ holiday picture or ‘posed’ professional wedding photo taken today could be a treasured family photograph for years to come.
Looking for a professional photographer
If you are looking for a professional photographer please give us a call. There’s still the option of e-mail and telephone but there’s now the inclusion of an on-line enquiry form. It’s for those on the move that just need to make that initial enquiry and perhaps check out dates and availability. We would love to hear from you.